GCC Library Self checkout system
Self checkout help 自助借出說明
Click the submit button (or press the enter key). 按提交按鈕(或按Enter鍵)。

The Submit button only needs to be clicked if you enter the barcode no. manually. 當您手動輸入條碼編號時,需要按“提交”按鈕。
Waiting for the page to reload before entering the next item. 然後等待頁面重新加載,然後再輸入下一個物品。
***The checked-out item should appear in your checkouts list. 已借出的物品應顯示在您的借出列表中。***
If you do not click the 'Finish' button, your session will automatically expire in 120 seconds. 如果您不按“完成”按鈕,則會在120秒後自動過期。